Maggie Daley Park

Chicago finally has an amazing kids play park; Maggie Daley Park.  The place is HUGE it has all sorts of great play areas for kids of all ages and luckily enough for opening week-end the weather was amazing (for December).

There are 2 main play areas one with a sea/pirate theme and a very large whale (maybe it is based on Moby Dick?) and the other has multiple climb houses and slides of all size.

The of course there is the ice-skating ring which we didn’t attempt but maybe smoother time.  Looking forward to being regulars.


maggie daley park-1164 maggie daley park-1181 maggie daley park-1184

This entry was published on December 12, 2014 at 2:31 pm. It’s filed under Family activities, Family moments, Kids play and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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